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From Port wine to table wine

Published:  22 November, 2024

Jo Gilbert embarks on a deep dive into Douro producers’ dual strategies for both table and fortified wines as a way of adapting to market demands and preserving the region’s winemaking heritage.


Long Read: What to do about fortified wines' straitened market?

Published:  23 September, 2021

Jacopo Mazzeo looks at what regions such as the Douro and Jerez are doing to survive in a market increasingly hostile to fortified wines and explores whether these efforts are effective. Port, for instance, is heading in two diametrically opposed directions: simplification and (extra) premiumisation, with new categories that span from youth-friendly RTDs to Tawny 50yo and White 50yo. Sherry meanwhile, has just changed a number of its regulations and now embraces unfortified wine.


Prowein: Sogevinus steps lightly into Douro table wine market

Published:  20 March, 2019

Grupo Sogevinus, best known for its collection of Portuguese-style Port houses and range of old colheitas, officially launched its growing range of Douro table wine at Prowein.


Symington announce €5m investment in new table wine winery with eye on Douro’s premium future

Published:  21 February, 2018

Pre-eminent port producer Symington Family Estates has announced plans to spend up to €4 to €5 million on a new winemaking facility at Quinta do Ataíde in the Douro to underpin the quality of its table wine production.


Average on-trade red bottle price rises £8 in a year thanks to premium upswing

Published:  05 January, 2018

Wine prices have seen significant upward movement in the on-trade, new research suggests, with red in particular receiving a generous boost from a rise in premium listings.